Custom orders what are they and how do they work?

Custom orders what are they and how do they work?

Charlotte suttle

The most commonly asked questions on custom orders answered along with the process and how to order all the info in one place to help make the process as easy as possible for you.


What is a custom order?

A custom order is entirely that an order that is uniquely designed and made to order for you. Bringing your own ideas and designs to life. weather you have a design in mind or just an idea I can work with you to make it a reality for you. with every custom order we always do the designs and send you proofs so you can see your idea before we start making them. 

Do i need to order a custom order if i would only like small changes to a current design?

No if you would only like to make small changes to an existing design for example the colour of the design or a cup we stock all you need to do is leave us a message in the notes box at check out stating what colour you would like it changed to for example our scream inspired cup you could just leave a note to say please could you change the design to light blue with a black cup and we will do that for you no problem.

However if you would like the colour of the cup changed to one we don't stock please message us before ordering to make sure we can get the colour you would like if we can then we can either create an order and invoice and send it to you to place via the website or you can order as normal and leave a reference number in the comment box so we can match your request to your order. this may effect your dispatch times but we will give you an accurate time frame of the turnaround time during our email conversations.

What products do you currently offer customs on?

Currently we offer custom request orders for everything we sell and will continue to as new products are realised.

How long dose a Custom order take?

We advise that Custom Orders can take around 10 working days to dispatch but this is often quicker and we will give you a more accurate time scale at the time of ordering.

This can vary with each custom order and this depends on weather we have everything you require in stock already or if we need to order in the cold cup colour or vinyl. If we do need to order it in our suppliers are very good and this normally only take a couple of days.

What options are available for Custom Cold Cups? 

We offer cold Cups in both 16oz best for younger children and 24oz best for older children,teens and adults.

We stock our 16oz cold cups in the following colours, Frosted clear, Black and white.

We can get them in pastel Blue, Pink, Yellow, Grey and Green. We can also get in frosted clear with colouring changing confetti.

We stock our 24oz cold cups in the following colours, Black, White, Frosted clear, Glow in the dark, Frosted with silver glitter.

We can also get them in a variety of colours such as Red, Orange, Light and Dark Green, Light and Dark Blue, Grey, Beige, Brown, Light and Dark Pinks, Light and Dark Purples. Clear Confetti and Clear cold colour changing in Red, Green, Bue, Pink and yellow and Solid Glitter cups in Dark Blue, Bright Pink, Light Blue, Yellow and Green.

The Designs?

We offer a couple of different options in regards to the design of your cup, we commonly can do stand alone images and shapes or symbols depending on the size you would like them would depend on how many you could fit on a cup. For example you could have a character on one side and some text on the other like our scream inspired cup or 2 images and some small text like a name. We also do full wrap designs that repeat around part or the whole of a cup, for example our poison apple cup.

you can of course have a mixture of them both and we offer personalisation with any name on every cup. You can add any text on you want including nicknames, gamertags, brand name, social media tags, words or phrases, depending on how long it is will depend on how it can be displayed on the cup, commonly with upto 12 characters is added horizontally from top to bottom of the cup whereas longer words and phrases are vertically around the cup or stacked. Having it horizontally leaves you more space for your chosen design.

What options are there for Snack Tubs?

We stock 2 sizes in our snack tubs,

  Our small Snack Tubs are 6 inches tall by 4 inches wide.

  Our large Snack Tubs are 8 1/2 inches tall by 4 1/2 inches wide.

The Designs?

We offer a couple of different options in regards to the design of your Snack Tub, the most common ones are, Part image and part text, full design wrapped  around the whole Snack Tub or just text on the front. 

we can personalised each one with a name or nickname or family name the choice is yours.

What vinyl options are there?

We stock a large variety of permanent vinyl in both matt and glossy colours in every colour, we also stock mixed pattern colour permanent vinyl like our candy pink clouds and rainbow and bright rainbow, mermaid scales, black carbon fiber, holographics in different colours, coloured glitter and glow in the dark in a selection of colours some change colour when they glow, we also have black reflection that shows several colours when a light reflects on it, we also have cold colour changing and uv colour changing ones.

we try our best to stock as many as possible at once but there is always new ones been realised and other options we can get so we can get many more in to make your design very easily.

What happens next?

Once you have chosen all of your item specifics like the colour and size of your cold cup, the colour of your vinyl and have approved the proof design we have spoken about if i need to order in certain cups or vinyl we will do that and delivery to me is normally very quick only a couple of days. Once they have arrived i will make your items to your approved design and dispatch it out to you as normal.


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